F8BPN/P first EME operation 31 july 2005 on 1296 MHz

from the big F6KHM dish

Dscn0061.jpg (58241 octets) Dscn0063.jpg (48284 octets) Dscn0066.jpg (60446 octets) Dscn0067.jpg (51382 octets)
F8BPN/P with SM2CEW in SSB with K9SLQ with K9SLQ Dscn0073.jpg (56536 octets)
with G3LTF with G3LTF Dscn0076.jpg (37148 octets) Dscn0077.jpg (55785 octets)
F8BPN in front of the F6KHM big 10,3m dish F5TTU F6KHM antenna system
F8BPN/P log 31/07/2005 on 1296 MHz (random)
1414 SM2CEW 559 56
1433 K9SLQ 559 559
1445 G3LTF 559 589

A big thank to Xavier, F5TTU, leader of the F6KHM gang and all the members of the radio club, for giving me the opportunity to do my first EME try. With a fantastic equipment, allowing loud and clear echoes with only 1 watt, it was easy to be heard from different parts of the wold with a nominal power. 
For once, and it's probably not usual, the moon were reflecting a YL voice, isn't it SM2CEW?.
Hopefully there will be a second try in the future, why not from home with the come back of F6ETI, but certainly with more modest conditions.
Thousand thanks again Xavier for this first wonderful experience and fantastics fellings, good luck to you and to all the F6KHM gang.